European market place next to sea
After the interfaith service, a small market place was built. Every state, present on ESK, had own stall. How did it look? Very colourful and lively...
A buying process was also interesting, because one didn't pay with money, but with so called "eggs". Eggs could have been bought with real money - one egg for 1€. Eggs were of course only symbolic and we could say that barter went on. We gathered around 4000€ - everything will go for charity.
Because an event like this can't be described in words, we invite you to check the picture bellow
Na evropski tržnici so države, sodelujoče na Evropski skavtski konferenci, prodajali razne izdelke njihovih držav ali izdelke, povezane z njihovimi državami. Izkupiček je šel v dobrodelne namene. (Avtor: Samo Vodopivec)
When you took a walk along the market, you found a lot of different and interesting products to buy. You could have bought anything from sweets, compasses and pens to larger things, such as scout T-shirts and sweaters. And if you wished, you could also had your nails painted =)A buying process was also interesting, because one didn't pay with money, but with so called "eggs". Eggs could have been bought with real money - one egg for 1€. Eggs were of course only symbolic and we could say that barter went on. We gathered around 4000€ - everything will go for charity.
Because an event like this can't be described in words, we invite you to check the picture bellow