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Dan bratovščine

Aleš Čerin, uredništvo SkavtNET 01.11.2010
25. oktober je za odrasle skavte po svetu praznik, ki pa ga v Sloveniji še ne praznujemo. Tudi letos smo ga že zamudili. Morda pa je priložnost, da že letos to popravimo za nazaj in se ga drugo leto spomnimo. Objavljamo pismo (v angleščini) našega predsednika Bretta D. Granta iz Avstralije.
ISGF Logo ISGF Logo (Avtor: Aleš Čerin, uredništvo SkavtNET)

Vsako leto predsednik ISGF (International Scout and Guide Fellowship - Mednarodne bratovščine odraslih skavtinj in skavtov) pripravi poslanico ob dnevu bratovščine. Takole pravi letos Brett D. Grant, predsednik ISGF, doma iz Avstralije.

"A Warm Hello,

Fellowship Day is an opportunity for all of us to reflect on the actions we have taken not only to build new friendships but to bring quality to the friendships we have already established.

It is nice to think that our brothers and sisters are thinking of us on this day, but what have we done to show them that we are thinking of them? Communication with each other is an important factor in what makes us a successful organisation because we take the time to listen and respond to each other.

Some of our members are increasing in years and may not be able to go out to Gatherings as often as they used to. Or they could be in a retirement home. Think of these members, as they have worked hard for Scouting and Guiding as well as the ISGF over the years and deserve our time and support so they do not feel forgotten.

On this Fellowship Day may everyone with the Scout and Guide Spirit have a wonderful day.

Brett D. Grant

Chairman ISGF World Committee

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